Tracy James Hearing Blog
Welcome to our blog pages where we share information about all aspects of hearing, as well as updates from Tracy James Hearing.
Tracy James hearing Open Day 26th September
If you want to know more about your hearing health, or have questions about hearing aids, come along to our Open Day at Tracy James Hearing - Wharf Street, Newbury between 10 and 4 on the 26th of September.
Meet Audiologists Tracy and Louise and find out about our new facilities and services. Plus, experience product demonstrations from the manufacturers we partner with.
Getting used to your hearing aids
First and foremost, how long it takes to get used to hearing aids is individual and can take anything from two weeks to over a year. There are so many reasons for this, and in some ways, patience and a positive attitude will go far; but if the idea of it taking a while fills you with dread; there are some things you can do to make the process easier.
Do you know about our sister company?
As well as providing personalised hearing and ear care, experienced audiology specialists Tracy James and Louise Hart also have a sister company TJ Audiology where they provide training courses for health care professionals, audiologists, GPs and ENT consultants, to hearing aid dispensers, occupational health workers, and professionals working in the music and noise-protection industry.
Tracy James Hearing: In the News!
Our Brand New clinic and opening day is featured in Newbury Weekly News today.
Yesterday marked a very special day in the history of the Tracy James Hearing story as we opened up our new clinic in Newbury Town Centre! Here is Tracy with some words of her own…
Widex Zen: Using Sound In Tinnitus Management
Widex is a hearing manufacturer who have developed a wide range of digital hearing aids.
Inspired by the relaxing effects of certain types of music, Widex have now developed the Widex Zen tones.
Why We Are: Your Hearing and Ear Care Specialists
Tracy and Louise both have over 20 years of Audiology experience.
“We are proud to offer a valuable, credible and personalised quality of care. Clients who come to us, tend to stay with us and recommend us to their friends and family.”
Our Hearing Care Service: Need hearing aids? Find out about the benefits of your personalised hearing care service at Tracy James Hearing.
How to get to Tracy James Hearing Allocated Parking
How to find our allocated parking
Please note: There are only two allocated parking spaces which will be labelled with a Tracy James sign
How To Find Your New Tracy James Hearing Clinic!
We are now taking bookings for OUR NEW CLINIC in NEWBURY TOWN CENTRE!!
Our new hearing and ear care clinic is at Unit 2, Kendrick House, Wharf Street, Newbury, RG14 5AP.
Read on for details of how to find us…
Exciting News!!! We are Moving to NEWBURY TOWN CENTRE!!
Tracy James Hearing are excited to announce that we are moving to a brand new clinic in the heart of Newbury High street!!
Introducing the Oticon Intent Hearing Aid
At Tracy James Hearing, we believe in cherishing the moments that truly matter. Experience a breakthrough in personalised hearing with Oticon Intent, the world’s first hearing aid designed to recognise what you want and need to listen to. Read on or contact us to learn more about this revolutionary technology….
Ear Wax Removal: Preparation, Removal & Aftercare
Learn more about ear wax removal preparation, removal and after care. Never insert anything into the ear canal like cotton swabs or hair pins at any point before or after wax removal, this pushes the wax further down the ear canal and only makes it harder to remove.
Check out our NEW BOARD to be featured at Newbury Bowls Club
Our new board at Newbury Bowls Club!
With thanks to Frances at Pixel Squid Design
Introducing the NEW Widex SmartRIC Hearing Aid
“The Widex SmartRIC can help wearers engage with the world as naturally as possible with better directionality, reduced wind and touch noise, and improved battery life, the longest battery life yet for a Widex RIC.” - Widex
Dementia Action Week: Hearing Aid Use Decreases Your Risk Of Dementia
Did you know?
Using a hearing aid could decrease your risk of dementia and may help you live longer
For more information on this subject check out our full blog right here.
Take Action this Dementia Action Week and Book your hearing test with Tracy James Hearing today.
Deaf Awareness Week 2024
Deaf Awareness Week takes place every year to increase public awareness about the issues affecting deaf people and deaf culture as a whole. Various events and activities are held over the course of Deaf Awareness Week for both educational and celebratory purposes.
Bone Anchored Hearing Aids
Since the late 1970’s the use of Bone Conduction Hearing Devices (BCHD) have been a possible way to treat conductive hearing losses (CHL) i.e. where the sound struggles to conduct through either the middle and/or outer ear. Possible situations where this may happen is when someone has a malformed ear, chronic ear canal infections, a hearing loss due to a perforation or even a condition like otosclerosis (fusion of the bones in the middle ear).
In recent years Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA) have been used for conducive losses with good success rates in treating physical/mechanical hearing losses.
The Best In Business Awards 2024
On Friday 12th April 2024 Tracy James Hearing were invited to the BEST IN BUSINESS AWARDS after being nominated, and then shortlisted, for the BEST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AWARD, organised by Newbury Weekly News
Managing glue ear without surgery – the Otovent.
One in five children will suffer glue ear before the age of two years. Eight in ten children will have had glue ear at least once by the time they are ten years old (NICE guidance). For most of these children the glue ear will go away by itself, usually within three months. Unfortunately it can be very persistent in some children
Glue Ear: How you can help your child
Glue ear is a condition where fluid builds up behind the eardrum, and the Eustachian tube then becomes blocked as a result. The Eustachian tube is a tube that connects the ears to the back of the nose and throat.