Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Therapy

man holding ear in pain

Almost everyone has experienced an episode of ringing, buzzing or other sound in the ear at some point in their lives, but it usually goes away after a while. Hyperacusis is an oversensitive response to everyday sounds; that others would find comfortable. Up to one in 8 people in the UK find their tinnitus disturbing and upsetting (we aren’t sure of the number of hyperacusis suffers); it is thought that the number of people with the condition will increase by 550,000 in the next decade.

Private Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Therapy in West Berkshire

Whilst NHS Audiology in West Berkshire offers a great tinnitus and hyperacusis service for sufferers, the wait to be seen when you are suffering can sometime seem never ending.  We know the earlier we intervene in helping people manage their tinnitus and hyperacusis the more successful the outcome for them.

For this reason Tracy James Hearing decided to open the first private tinnitus and hyperacusis management service in West Berkshire with audiologist Louise Hart

Louise has had over 20 years’ experience in helping people with tinnitus in the NHS in the UK and Australia; she understands the concerns that people have with tinnitus and hyperacusis, and the effect that it has on the sufferers’ life and those around them.

At present there are no drug interventions which work for tinnitus and vagus nerve interruption shows promise, but we don’t have enough research yet to safely say its beneficial; which is why management techniques are used to combat tinnitus.  We know that tinnitus and to some degree hyperacusis use the same pathway in the brain that pain and anxiety do. For over 20 years chronic pain sufferers have successfully been using cognitive behavioural techniques to manage pain; and we good quality evidence to show the same for tinnitus. Tinnitus Awareness Week runs from the 5-11th February 2024 to remind people of the impact of tinnitus and the support that is available.

Louise will tailor a programme to you to help your tinnitus and/or hyperacusis; these can be provided face to face or through video consultation.

For further information on our tinnitus management services go to our Tinnitus Management page or contact us to discuss further or book your initial appointment.

Allie Astell

I founded Manage My Website back in 2009, building our first ever website on Squarespace 5. Since then I’ve created and project managed more websites on this platform than I could ever have imagined.


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