Preparing Your Child’s Hearing Aids For Family Fun This Easter

A great day out can get derailed if a deaf child’s cochlear implants or batteries run out of charge. Having some spare batteries on hand can really save the day!

Your child may need to remove their hearing technology during your day out, when swimming or in very loud environments for example. Bring a storage case with you and make sure your child knows that if they want to remove their hearing technology they should let you know.

Finding a hearing aid in a ball pit can be a challenge!’ (NDCS). Sports or other high energy activities can result in hearing devices coming apart, or flinging out of the ear.


If you and your child would like them to keep their hearing technology on but don’t want to risk losing a hearing aid or cochlear implant processor, a clip or band will help keep it in place. These bits of kit especially to keep hearing aids in place are available from your audiologist, or to buy online (known as retention aids).

For more tips and advice on deaf friendly Family days out this Easter check out the link below from the NDCS….

Source: National Deaf Children’s Society


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